Abstract: Offline signature confirmation is one of most difficult region of personal authentication. Numerous strategies have been acquainted in literature to find whether a given signature is certifiable or phony. Signature is a vital part of distinguishing proof and validation of a object in this digitized world. Offline signature verification is a critical and troublesome procedure of signature verification. Signature is required by a specific client as a sender to presented himself in computerized world and also to make an impression on an element arranged at an alternate remote areas. With the goal that message can't be access to or modified by anybody other then whom the message to be intended to be accessed . As signature can be utilized as validation means by many organizations and association to secure there classified information and also for safeguard there protection because of which is less measure of information is accessible which is not adequate for acknowledgment of pattern utilized as a part of signature. This paper portrays a novel approach for signature verification and recognizable proof in a offline environment. In proposed work, A Signature picture is taken through some kind of sources like camera caught picture of signature or might be a transcribed signature then it will be actualized by executing picture through various techniques like signature acquisition, signature input ,signature thinning, boundary detection, feature extraction, signature recognition.

Keywords: Signature verification, Authentication, Signature acquisition, Feature extraction, Thinning.